PTA Board Members & Other Roles

The PTA board is always looking for volunteers who are interested in serving on the PTA Board and Committees. All positions are listed below. If you are interested in any of the positions or would like more information, please contact or any current board member. We are currently looking for nominations and will be voting on new board members at our April meeting to give them time to learn their new roles! You must be a member and present at April’s meeting to vote.

Board members hold a meeting once a month with Principal (usually the 1st Thursday of the month, but could be adjusted). General PTA meetings are hosted as required by By-laws (usually the 2nd Thursday of the month).

Elected Board Members for the 2024-2025 School Year

President: Michelle Lucero

Description: The Presiding officer of the PTA. Preside over board meetings and general meetings. The President must have a general knowledge of all committees on the Time Commitment: 8-12 hours per month, varies. Busiest Times of Year: the beginning of the year but flattens out; additional special projects; Manage overall objectives and strategies of PTA (including fundraising objectives, community-building events, educational events, etc.); Act as liaison between parents and principal/staff; Recruit PTA Committee Chairs; Create agenda and facilitate monthly PTA meetings and monthly PTA board meetings; Write a periodic PTA News bulletin; Create a mailing for all Blue Heron parents in August for inclusion in back-to-school packet; Collaborate with Principal to create annual school calendar; Collaborate with Treasurer to create annual PTA budget; Speak at Back to School Night and other events Attend Council PTA meetings, a consortium of the PTA Presidents from all PPS schools. PTA approval of all contracts, and expenditures.

Vice President: 

Description: Coordinate school-wide, educational programs to be held during school hours. Schedule Sitters for all PTA Meetings. May be called upon to temporarily assume the role of the President. Support key communication needed for fundraisers, special events, and mass mailings. 

Secretary: Chandra King

Description: Responsible for keeping accurate records of the proceedings of the association. Records all business transacted at each meeting (minutes), presents those minutes at the monthly and general meetings. Submitting new membership to Colorado PTA. Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per month, busiest following each PTA meeting. Submit approved minutes for inclusion on the PTA website. Attend executive board meetings, participate in discussions and decision-making, take minutes for preparation and distribution to the other officers. Prepare the sign-in sheet and arrange the room for the general meetings. Forward required documentation to Colorado PTA main office. Maintain a complete file of all approved minutes, agendas, and materials distributed at any official PTA meeting. Manage/oversee the Nominating Committee process.

Treasurer: Emily Bossert

Authorized custodian of the funds of the association. Write checks, review contracts, balance bank statements, draft and manage budgets, maintain accurate financial records, present financial reports at board meetings and general meetings. Time Commitment: 10-15 hours per month, including attending PTA meetings. Busiest Times of Year: Ongoing, some summer work preparing the budget for Fall, taxes in October. Collaborate with the PTA President to generate the annual PTA budget. Prepare the annual audit and tax return. Pay bills and reimbursements as required. Oversee ongoing PTA finances, ensure adherence to approved PTA budget. Prepare and present the budget report for each PTA general meeting. Record deposits that come in from events or services. Send donor acknowledgment letters.


Fall Fest and Spring Fest Coordinators: Leslie King 

This chair recruits and organizes volunteers for the major community festivals we host in the fall and spring. The coordinators can be expected to work closely with the PTA board to establish a budget and secure business sponsors, prizes and volunteers for the booths and games. This position requires a moderate time commitment during the months leading up to a festival.

Garden Lead: Jody Dyckes and Hannah Krieger

Garden leads oversee the maintenance and events in the garden. The leads also host activities and a planting day in May each year. The garden requires year-round maintenance and love.

Blue Heron Grants Coordinator: open position

This coordinator creates and manages the Grant application for our Blue Heron staff and teachers in the Fall. This position requires a commitment to attend the August and September PTA meetings and planning a separate meeting to hear the presentations of the grant proposals and lead the vote.

Trunk or Treat

Description: Coordinates the event; planning, ticket sales, promotion, volunteers, food, games, activities, etc. Form a committee to help with tasks.

Skate City Dates: 

Description: Coordinates the event; planning, promotion, riding the bus and volunteers. The goal is 4 Skate City Nights per year. Commitment required as needed.

Silent Online Auction: open position

Description: Coordinates the event; works with vendors to assemble donations for the online auction, planning, promotion, volunteers, sales, deposits to the treasurer, etc.


Penny Wars/Run4Funds

Description: Plan, organize, and coordinate the Run4Funds event that takes place at the end of the year in April.

Restaurant Nights: Haley Waind

Description: Coordinator school spirit nights at local restaurants/merchants where the PTA shares in the profits from that day.


Grade Parent Coordinators: 

Description: Oversee the room volunteers during class parties and special events throughout the year. Coordinate with the teachers for designated grade level needs throughout the school year. Organize 3 class parties per year (supplies, crafts, volunteers, decorations, etc.).